WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to join the nation in honoring our nation's Black American service member...
WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...
Next Post Meeting:
Wednesday September 11 at 7:00pm
(The Meeting will be held as soon as those participating in the 911 Ceremony return.)
- Annual Members, it is not to early to renew your membership.
- If you need help with your renewal, please contact any of your Post officers. We can help.
- Consider going to an installment life membership plan. Initial payment of $45.00 and then 11 monthly payments depending on age.
- There is strength in numbers. Your membership in the VFW gives the Organization that much more of voice when advocating Veterans Concerns and Priorities in front of Congress at the National Level and with State Legislators.
- On the local Post level, we continue to help veterans with their issues and have an Honor Guard that salutes the veteran at funerals and help to make our community better. We Sponsor Scholarships for local High school students with a parent or grandparent who has served their nation. We conduct annual VFW Patriots Pen Essay writing contest for middle school age students and VFW Voice of Democracy Speech contest for students at High School age. Each of these contests come with a cash prize and a chance to compete at the State and National levels. If these items are of interest to you as a current or lapsed member, please, again, renew your membership today.