Have you seen those guys wearing the red shirts with funny looking bugs on them?
Did you know there is a Cootie Pup Tent that meets at Post 5789?
Are you interested in what the Cooties Pup Tent does?
The Military Order of the Cootie is the "Honor Degree of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars of the United States” and we need to remember this as
we fulfill our roles as Cooties.
HEART OF AMERICA Missouri Cootie Pup Tent 1 meets every month on the 4th Thursday at Jack Ray VFW Post 5789 located at 329 SE Douglas in Lee's Summit, Missouri
As members of the Honor Degree of the VFW leading by example,
we must continue to demonstrate our dedication to the VFW and MOC. We do
this with the utmost integrity in the performance of our duties.
Remember, Anything Worth Doing, Is Worth Doing Right.
Due to Covid-19 our monthly activities have been severely curtained. We normally visit the Warrensburg Veterans home on the 1st Saturday of each month for Bingo at 2:00pm and we also have a Bingo night every 1st Wednesday at the KC Veterans Administration Hospital at 7:00pm.
If you are interested in joining our elite group of VFW members contact a current Cootie member for an application and membership information.